
Prepping Your Car for the ‘Ber’ Months: Maintenance Tips, Road Safety, and Holiday Travel Planning

As August draws to a close, Filipino drivers are preparing for the “ber” months, signaling the onset of cooler weather, heavier traffic, and the much-anticipated holiday season. For car owners, this is the perfect time to ensure that your vehicle is ready for both the last stretch of the rainy season and the upcoming road trips that often accompany holiday celebrations. In this article, we’ll cover essential maintenance tips, road safety advice, and how Shell Helix’s lubricants and AutoConcierge’s services can help keep your car in top shape.

Weather Transition: From Rainy Roads to Holiday Travels

August is typically one of the rainiest months in the Philippines, but as September rolls in, the weather gradually begins to stabilize, bringing cooler temperatures and the excitement of the holiday season. Car owners face a unique set of challenges during this period—wet roads, potholes, and increased traffic. Now is the time to make sure your car is ready to handle both weather conditions and the long-distance travel that often comes with the holiday season.

Maintenance Checklist: Ready for Rain and the Road Ahead

A well-maintained car ensures your safety and comfort as the months shift from rain to road trips. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you prepare:

  • Tires and Brakes: Your tires and brakes should be in top condition to handle the slick, wet roads in August and the lengthy drives in the coming months. Inspect tire treads for wear and make sure your brakes respond smoothly. Shell Helix can help optimize engine performance, which in turn can improve overall driving stability. Ensure your tires are properly inflated and consider switching to tires designed for wet and dry conditions if necessary.
  • Engine and Fluids: Shell Helix lubricants offer superior protection for your engine, especially during periods of stop-and-go traffic or long journeys. The Helix line of lubricants helps reduce engine wear and ensures smoother operation even in challenging conditions. Top off your fluids, including engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, and power steering fluid, for better performance and to avoid breakdowns during holiday trips.
  • Battery Check: The rainy season can be tough on your car’s electrical system, particularly the battery. Avoid potential battery failures by visiting one of AutoConcierge’s partner shops, where professionals can check your battery’s health and recommend replacements if needed.
  • Windshield Wipers and Visibility: Poor visibility during heavy rain is a major safety hazard. Ensure your windshield wipers are in good condition and replace them if they leave streaks or squeak against the glass. Additionally, applying a water-repellent solution to your windshield can help water bead off faster, improving your visibility.
  • Lights and Electricals: Check all your lights, including headlights, taillights, and turn signals. Having properly functioning lights is essential for safe driving, particularly on darker roads or during early morning and evening trips as the “ber” months bring shorter daylight hours.

Road Safety During Holiday Traffic

The “ber” months are synonymous with heavier traffic, especially as the holidays approach and people start shopping, attending events, and traveling to visit loved ones. Here are some road safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Defensive Driving: With increased traffic, it’s more important than ever to practice defensive driving. Be patient, maintain a safe distance between vehicles, and avoid aggressive maneuvers that can lead to accidents.
  • Plan Your Routes: Waze or Google Maps can help you avoid traffic bottlenecks and find alternate routes. Plan your trips during non-peak hours, especially when doing holiday shopping or traveling to provincial destinations.
  • Prepare for Emergencies: Always have an emergency kit in your car, including a first aid kit, flashlight, spare tire, jumper cables, and basic tools. This is especially important during long trips.

Holiday Travel Planning: Long-Distance Road Trips

As the holidays draw near, many Filipino families embark on road trips to spend time with relatives or enjoy vacation destinations. Here’s how to prepare your car for long-haul journeys:

  • Engine Tune-Up: Before any long trip, consider getting an engine tune-up to ensure peak performance. AutoConcierge’s partner shops can provide comprehensive checks on your engine, transmission, and suspension to ensure everything is road-trip ready. Using Shell Helix’s advanced lubricants will also help your engine run more smoothly, even under the stress of long-distance driving.
  • Travel Comfort: Don’t forget to pack items for comfort and safety on long drives, such as car organizers, portable chargers, pillows, and blankets. Also, make sure your air conditioning system is working well, as a comfortable cabin temperature is essential for long trips.
  • Fuel Efficiency: Ensure your car is optimized for fuel efficiency before you hit the road. Shell Helix’s lubricants are designed to enhance fuel economy by reducing friction in your engine, helping you save on fuel costs during your holiday trips.

How AutoConcierge Can Help

AutoConcierge, through their AC Elite Card and network of partner shops, provides a wide range of services that can help you prepare your car for the demands of the ‘ber’ months. Here’s how they can assist:

  • Priority Services and Discounts: With the AC Elite Card, you gain priority access to AutoConcierge’s partner shops for urgent repairs and maintenance checks. Cardholders can also enjoy discounts on critical services like oil changes, tire replacements, brake checks, and more.
  • Emergency Towing: If you experience any issues on the road, especially during a long-distance trip, AutoConcierge offers emergency towing services to transport your car to the nearest partner shop.
  • Comprehensive Car Care: AutoConcierge’s partner shops offer detailed inspections, maintenance, and repairs that can help ensure your car is in optimal condition. Whether it’s engine tune-ups, electrical system checks, or tire replacements, they’ve got you covered.
  • Personalized Recommendations: The AutoConcierge team can provide personalized advice on what your car needs for the upcoming months, ensuring you’re prepared for both rainy days and holiday road trips.

In conclusion, preparing your car for the ‘ber’ months is essential for both safety and comfort. By following these maintenance tips and using high-quality products like Shell Helix lubricants, you can ensure your car is ready for the challenges of wet roads, heavy traffic, and long-distance holiday travel. Don’t forget to take advantage of the services offered by AutoConcierge and their trusted partner shops to keep your vehicle in top shape.

For more information and assistance, you can reach out to AutoConcierge through their hotline numbers:

  • Smart: +639624146979
  • Globe: +639670977484

Stay connected with AutoConcierge on social media:

Looking for a trusted service shop? Check out AutoConcierge’s Trusted Partner Shops to book the service you need and get your car ready for the season ahead.

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